Széchenyi 2020

Our life is water!


The Saltwater plant in Szentimre started its operation in 2000, its main activity is the production of saline water and bottling of spring water. In the 30-40 km area of Soltszentimre, we sell our products in many grocery stores, factories and restaurants. Our offer includes 1 and 2 liter saline water, 5-, 11 and 19 liter balloon water. The water is obtained from our own deep well, which is deironized and purified using state-of-the-art capillary filtration technology. The water and saline produced in this way can be consumed by everyone without restriction.




What we undertake:

We undertake the full supply of saline, drinking water and mineral water to companies, offices, catering and private events in any quantity and on time with punctual delivery and removal.

Try our high quality products, you will definitely be satisfied!

Benkovszki Zoltán